Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am back

First of all, I apologize for the lack of update. I understand that there are a lot of speculations and worries about my whereabouts, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude towards you.

It is only appropriate for me to list out the things that had happened during my absence in order to explain my lack of update.

I had successfully landed a job in one of the SMEs about a month ago. The job sent me outstation for product technical training in the factory, proving me accommodation in a hotel nonetheless. It wasn't some 5 stars hotel, not even a 3 stars, but it was great to have a room with a bed and a shower. After months of sleeping on a car seat and carpeted floor, the feeling of a bed touching the skin is purely a heavenly experience. Most importantly, I had also learned to appreciate a proper bathroom with steamy hot shower. The feeling of the hot water streaming down the back was beyond description of words.

The only downside to this is that I did not have Internet access in the training area as the information we dealt with are critical to the company's profit. The only access is through the Administrator office and our access would be monitored. I did not want to take the risk of letting my identity made known to the public, especially the office co-workers, so I did not write. But I did reply Adrian's email to let him know that I was doing great.

I wrote some post updates at night in the hotel room, trying to inform everyone about the ongoing activities and not to let anyone getting worried. I was planning to update this blog when I came back to the city. Unfortunately, my laptop broke down and a quick talk to the technician concluded that the hard drive was "fried", as he put it. I was told that all the information that I had previously stored in the hard drive is forever lost.

At this moment, I am using one of the Internet Cafes in the area to reply some emails and also updating this blog. I apologize if you find that this update lacks the details because I am trying to minimize the duration of the usage. They are charging by the hourly rate!

Anyway, back to the subject of updating; after 3 weeks of technical training, I was relocated back to the Klang Valley office and that was when I had to sleep in the car again because I vacated out from the previous job, where I was working as a night security. I thanked the boss profoundly for providing me the job and the shelter when I was facing difficulties. The boss was kind enough to offer me to continue staying there until I could afford a better place.

I had to gently decline his kind offer as I felt that it was inappropriate for me to continue staying there for free. So he wished me good luck and paid me the salary (which I refused to accept since I was only guarding the factory for less than 2 weeks, and I took the shelter as a form of compensation) when I loaded my belongings into my car.

Heading Adrian's advice, I asked around the office if there was a place to rent. After a quick round of asking, I found out that there was this young girl in the office renting a whole apartment nearby the office, and she was looking for a sublease! I approached her with caution and I asked her if I could sublease the room.

She looked at me, considering her options since I am the new guy in the office and she doesn't know me that well. Finally she agreed. Because we are colleagues, she agreed that I do not have to pay her the required 2 months deposit but I must keep to my words that I would keep the apartment in tiptop condition and I would help to tidy up the place every week. I agreed to her condition.

After sleeping in the car for 4 days, I finally moved into her apartment. It is a small unit, but it was in very clean state and I was shown to my room. Just two days ago I went to the night market and got myself a mattress that would provide me some cushioning between the floor and my bad hip.

Right now, I wake up in the morning to work, take light lunch with my colleagues, and at night I would head back to the apartment to rest. It is a simple life, but as one would put it, this is a good start. For me, this is a great start, and I am looking forward for this new life.


haan said...

have been following up with adrian regarding how you go..

definitely a good change and start. congrats! it's really great when i got to know u find a better job than being a guard (your ability is surely more than that).

finally u've got a place to stay!! think u appreciate is very very much, right?

so after relocating back to the KV office, do you have frequent access to the internet? starbucks is no longer your friend? ^^

samantha said...

good to read that your life is getting better. hold on, tight!

Më| §zë said...

cool... looks like your life is getting better...
hang in there...

and all the best!


Anonymous said...

Hi man, glad to read something from you. Was updating a few friends about your status.

Keep up the good work and hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on taking some positive leaps from previous ground. It's good to hear that you are starting to move on progressively. Take care!

Now it's time to help others, especially those in Myanmar and China... =p

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your progress. Keep it up! :)

3POINT8 said...

Hehey! Homeless guy is still alive!
And he updated his blog!
Dude, all the best in your life! If possible, do write more ya! I enjoyed your post.
(That is if its its convenient for you)

Steven Wong said...

don't worry. Keep your heads high, for every cloud has a silver lining.

Beautiful Tonight said...

hi homeless,

I first search "Maxis suck" and then link to Adrian blog. i must said Adrian blog is interesting.. then i read and read and learn about how he met u and link to your blog.. oh what a touching story..

Can i link yr blog to my blog?

It's more on telco stuff... hmm i was reading every piece of yr story.. Once i had a colleague who has similar happening like yrs... made me think of him... dunno how he is going on.. and he has given me a tie.. which i still keep it...